Ambiant Air Hydrocarbons
FID 560
This Air Quality Gas Chromatograph uses proven flame ionization detection, our FID 560 measures ambient air hydrocarbons (CH4, NMHC, THC, BTX, BTEX) in ranges from ppb to 1000 ppm in our environment. The FID 560 can achieve simultaneous monitoring of hydrocarbon concentration in ambient air such as CH4 - NMHC - THC or NMHC - BTX or NMHC - BTEX (other components available upon request).
Technical Features
> Fitted with one FID for a simultaneous measurement
> Isothermal oven at 100°C with the complete gas circuit
> Fast response time, designed also to measure wet sample
> PC system with hard disk for storage of the results
> Windows 7 embedded, user friendly interface
> 8.5" LCD large touch screen
> Communication by Modbus and 4-20 mA outputs
> Ethernet TCP/IP connection for remote control
Sulfur Dioxide
This AM501 Sulfur Dioxide Analyser uses the Ultraviolet Fluorescence Method and allows accurate, dependable, continuous measurements for ambient air quality, stack gas monitoring, and other applications. It consists of an optical sensor module, an analog signal pre-processing module, a microprocessor controller, and a gas circuit module.
> Environmental air quality monitoring
> Mobile monitoring vehicles
> Fugitive emissions monitoring for factories such as petrochemical plants, waste incineration plants, and wastewater treatment plants
> Dilution type continuous emission monitoring system for flue gas
Technical Features
> Periodic monitor of the fluorescence background signal by sampling zero gas to mitigate zero drift
> Automatic temperature and pressure compensation
> Detection of low concentrations of sulfur dioxide at ppb level with excellent dynamic range and linearity
> Two measuring ranges can be set with an automatic switching function
> Measurement principle: Ultraviolet Fluorescence Method
> Range: Min: (0-50) ppb / Max:(0-20000)ppb
> Performance indicators:
Only available on the Chinese market
Carbon Monoxide
This AM503 Carbon Monoxide (CO) Analyser uses Gas Filter Correlation Infrared Absorption Method and it uses a gas filter correlation wheel along with state-of-the-art optics and electronics to accurately and reliably measure low concentrations of CO.
> Environmental air quality monitoring
> Mobile monitoring vehicles
> Fugitive emissions monitoring for factories such as petrochemical plants, waste incineration plants, and wastewater treatment plants
> Dilution type continuous emission monitoring system for flue gas
Technical Features
> High sensitivity, good selectivity and low detection limit
> Built-in catalytic zero air scrubber to provide CO-free air for the analyser
> Detection of low concentrations of sulfur dioxide at ppb level with excellent dynamic range and linearity
> Two measuring ranges can be set with an automatic switching function
> Measurement principle: Gas Filter Correlation Infrared Absorption Method
> Range: 0-200 ppm (customisable)
> Performance indicators:
Only available on the Chinese market
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC)
FID 570
This Air Quality Gas Chromatograph uses proven flame ionization detection and capillary column, the FID 570 is a turnkey solution for analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds from C2 to C6 and C6 to C12 in our environment.
Technical Features
> Fitted with one FID for a simultaneous measurement
> 2 ovens: 1 isothermal with the gas circuit and 1 with the column (with temperature ramp)
> Fast response time, designed also to measure wet sample
> PC system with hard disk for storage of the results
> Windows 7 embedded, user friendly interface
> 8.5" LCD large touch screen
> Communication by Modbus and 4-20 mA outputs
> Ethernet TCP/IP connection for remote control
NO, NOx, NO2
This AM502 Analyser uses the Chemiluminescence Method to continuously detect nitric oxide (NO), total nitrogen oxides (NOx), and nitrogen dioxide (NO2). It provides accurate, dependable, and continuous measurements for various applications, including ambient air quality monitoring and pollution source monitoring. The analyzer consists of a pneumatic system, an NOx converter (molybdenum furnace), a reaction cell, a detector (PMT), and an electronic processing unit.
> Environmental air quality monitoring
> Mobile monitoring vehicles
> Fugitive emissions monitoring for factories such as petrochemical plants, waste incineration plants, and wastewater treatment plants
> Dilution type continuous emission monitoring system for flue gas
Technical Features
> Reference measurement to make regular reference calculation with background signal without zero calibration
> Automatic temperature and pressure compensation
> Detection of low concentrations of NOx at ppb level with excellent dynamic range and linearity
> Two measuring ranges can be set with an automatic switching function
> Measurement principle: Chemiluminescence Method
> Range: Min: (0-50) ppb / Max:(0-20000)ppb
> Performance indicators:
- Linearity: 1% F.S.
- Zero drift: ±1ppb/24h
- Span drift: 0.5% of the reading per 24 hours
- Detection limit: ≤ 0.5ppb
Carbon Dioxide
This AM505 Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Analyser employs Gas Filter Correlation Infrared Absorption Method to measure low concentrations of CO2. This method is based on Lambert-Beer's law and involves comparing the absorption of infrared signals in both the sample gas and a reference gas. A rotating gas filter is placed in the optical path, which contains two chambers: one filled with nitrogen and the other with CO2. When infrared light passes through the CO2 chamber, all wavelengths that can be absorbed by CO2 are filtered out, leaving only those wavelengths affected by CO2 absorption to form the reference beam. The light passing through the nitrogen chamber forms the measurement beam, and the concentration of CO2 in the sample gas is determined by measuring the intensity of this beam after it is absorbed by CO2.
> Environmental air quality monitoring
> Mobile monitoring vehicles
> Fugitive emissions monitoring for factories such as petrochemical plants, waste incineration plants, and wastewater treatment plants
> Dilution type continuous emission monitoring system for flue gas
Technical Features
> The gas filter correlation wheel helps to suppress interference and the narrowband pass filter ensures that only the infrared wavelengths sensitive to CO2 are measured
> Automatic temperature and pressure compensation
> Two measuring ranges can be set with an automatic switching function
> Measurement principle: Gas Filter Correlation Absorption Method
> Range: Min: 0-2000 ppm (customisable)
> Performance indicators:
- Linearity: ≤2% F.S.
- Zero drift: ±0.1ppm/24h
- Span drift: 0.5% of the reading per 24 hours
- Detection limit: ≤ 0.05ppm
Dust Concentration
This PMS501 Dust Concentration Monitor employs Laser Forward Scattering principle, developed, designed, manufactured by Orthodyne for ultra-low dust emission applications. The integrated heating probe and flow control design reduces moisture interference. It is especially suitable for installation in working condition characterised with high humidity, low temperature, and low dust concentration.
> Extractive system used for continuous dust concentration measurement.
> Dry and wet gas applications, including handling sticky dust
> Typical applications include wet desulfurization outlets, dust collector inlets and outlets, and final outlets from thermal power plants, waste incineration plants, and various process industries
Technical Features
> Sample gas is heated in the heating chamber to evaporate water drops and mist, reducing humidity
> Laser forward scattering principle ensures very high sensitivity in the measurement
> Automatic calibration of the zero point and range, ensuring stable and reliable operation.Specifications
> Measurement principle: Laser forward scattering principle with integrated extraction system
> Range: (0-15-45)mg/m3
> Performance indicators:
- Linearity: ≤1%
- Zero drift: ±0.5%F.S.
- Span drift: ±0.5%F.S.
- Detection limit: 0.1mg/m3
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