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Industrial Gas Analysers
To control the production, the storage or the loading, Orthodyne has a complete range of Industrial Gas Analysers for industries such as Air Separation Unit (ASU).
Orthodyne provides CH4/NMHC or Carbotras (CnHm separated) Gas Chromatographs (GC) on gas producers sites to control the hydrocarbons level in the Oxygen, Nitrogen, Argon or Air.
Orthodyne can also supply N2 traces, O2 paramagnetic, O2 zirconium, Infrared and moisture Gas Analysers for Air Separation Unit.
Our Analysers for Air Separation Unit can control your whole production
Other configurations are available on request!
FID511 | FID (GC) | CH4/NMHC ppm | O2, N2, Ar |
FID521 | FID (GC) | CnHm ppm (C1-C4) | O2, N2, Ar |
DID510-Ar | DID (GC) | H2, O2, N2, CH4 ppm | Ar |
AZ8001 | Online Argon DID Plasma | N2 ppm | Ar |
THC8000 | FID-Online | THC ppm | O2, N2, Ar |
OPM8000 | Online Paramagnetic Sensor | O2 % | O2 |
OZR8000 | Online O2 ZrO2 Sensor | O2 ppm | N2, Ar |
IR8000 | Online Infrared | CO, CO2, N2O ppm | O2, N2, Air |
OrthoSmart | ADED (Argon Plasma) | H2, O2, N2, CH4, CO, CO2 & NMHC | O2, Ar & Others |
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